Worst private plate I've seen

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. I went to the DVLA auctions many years ago to buy a personal registration, but got outbid far more than I was willing to pay. Anyway I hung around to see what else was going, you can easily get sucked into the bidding. I watched a plate I think it was 7 ONY go for about 80k it was a electric inside watching these two guys bidding against each other. anyway I kicked myself for not buying GSX 750R which went through with NO bids, I mean I could have had it for £250.
    Later that afternoon I bid on a star wars plate, which I thought was ok and maybe I could make some money on it.
    JED1 OW :biggrin: I had it on my motor for 12 months then sold it for almost 2k profit. Still kick myself for not buying the Gixer plate.
  2. Oh bollox


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  3. image.jpg This is the reg of our Saab, couldn't resist going to look when we were changing the car! Nicky rang the dealer and asked " Is the blowjob Saab still for sale?" Which was met with a stunned silence, until he realised what the reg was!

  4. I saw it in an instant as see for STD ( sexually transmitted disease ) oh dear ...
  5. So did I. I just didn't think it was funny and/or worthy of any comment. Soz.
  6. I'm with toro...nothing to see there ;)
  7. I have the plate big balls 1 on the front of my van and iron balls 1 on the rear,and havnt been stopped once.
  8. image.jpg

  9. That tumbleweed isn't showing a plate . :eek:
  10. This driver was a total


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  11. In a tool's car...
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