I went to the DVLA auctions many years ago to buy a personal registration, but got outbid far more than I was willing to pay. Anyway I hung around to see what else was going, you can easily get sucked into the bidding. I watched a plate I think it was 7 ONY go for about 80k it was a electric inside watching these two guys bidding against each other. anyway I kicked myself for not buying GSX 750R which went through with NO bids, I mean I could have had it for £250. Later that afternoon I bid on a star wars plate, which I thought was ok and maybe I could make some money on it. JED1 OW :biggrin: I had it on my motor for 12 months then sold it for almost 2k profit. Still kick myself for not buying the Gixer plate.
This is the reg of our Saab, couldn't resist going to look when we were changing the car! Nicky rang the dealer and asked " Is the blowjob Saab still for sale?" Which was met with a stunned silence, until he realised what the reg was!
I have the plate big balls 1 on the front of my van and iron balls 1 on the rear,and havnt been stopped once.