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Worst things when drunk?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. I've just realised that that film is 54 years old and still fills little girls with wonder and joy. You'd think after 54 years of sales you'd be able to buy it for less than £15.
  2. the walt disney cartoons are superb. got to say dude for 54 your looking good, still got your blankie ?
  3. One of the lads in our room while in the Army had a habit if pissing his bed when he got hammered so one night before going out stuck his mattress in his locker....laid his sleeping bag on the bed springs, got back in after a heavy night, got into his sleeping bag, woke up opened his locker n pissed allover his mattress.....
  4. I had a mate in the army that would piss in his locker without fail every time he got drunk. Every single time. Except once, when he sat on a chair in the middle of the room and pissed on the floor instead.

    I had another buddy who would take his sleeping bag to work with him the morning before he was due to go out on the lash, so when he got back he could go to the office, sleep there and wouldn't be late for work.
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  5. Naked bungee jump at Le Mans 24hr.
  6. Sheet bend ? or was it a bit short ? ( stage fright maybe , or just cold ):biggrin:
  7. I asked them not to tie it to my knob, as I would hit the ground before the slack was taken up.
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  8. Went on a bender after dumping cougar girlfriend. End up in bed with her 19yo daughter, who was still there when the ex came back the following morning to collect her stuff.

    The night before the last day of 6th form, a bunch of us carried a Mini onto the stage in the assembly hall.

    Came to in Heathrow airport with a week long ticket to Florida that I had no recollection of buying.

    Got married (ish). The marriage was fully planned but I was drunk at the time of saying the vows. Probably a good indicator - 18 months later it had all gone to batshit.
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  9. Respect :upyeah:
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  10. It certainly rammed the message home that things were over - not intentionally, but very effective none the less.
  11. I once crashed a delivery van containing 5000 copies of Roget's Thesaurus.

    Passers by were said to be stunned, bewildered, dumbfounded, astonished, shocked, flabbergasted, startled, speechless, amazed and gobsmacked.
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  12. Walking home sloshed late one night with my Brother, we were working out how the feck we were going to get home, as we passed Southall bus Garage. There was a RouteMaster 207 bus waiting to go out on a trip with its engine running and no driver in the Cab.

    It seemed like a good idea at the time.... I jumped in the Cab, and gave it some whelly, with my Brother pulling the bell cord frantically as we drove it the 7 or so miles home.

    Next morning it did look unusual to see a big red bus parked in the middle of our Estate. Happy Days!:biggrin:
  13. set fire to a bin on union street Aberdeen which set fire to H.M.V.
    Wat a mong.
    #33 finm, Feb 7, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2014
  14. I dumped someone for that !!!! I had to buy a new bed !!! Lol I'm not joking !!!!
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  15. Were you the mother or the daughter......... its important !:tongue::biggrin:
  16. Gate crashed a party have no idea who's ( there was 5 of us ) the blokes then nicked some beer from brewery ... Tried to tap it you can imagine the disaster .
    Something else happened pipes ripped off the wall house flooded beer barrel disaster all over the kitchen... We ran away.

    I was abroad helping my Dad in his bar ... Went to meet someone got wrecked on Brandy went to the loo was so drunk couldn't do up my jeans ... Fell round my ankles . I then got outside and the air hit me and my legs stopped working.. So with my jeans round my ankles I had to crawl back to my dads bar ..
    He was well happy....

    Finally I stayed at my then chaps parents house his dad made wine . BF said be careful with it!!
    He was out sound checking came back took me to club his band was playing and I was vdrunk .

    First of all I got caught having a cosy drunken chat to some goth bloke ..got bollocked.
    Then I decided BF looked better nude ..... By now I was beyond sobering up. So I decided I'd start undressing him .. He laughed and went along with it until he realised I meant everything off ..
    I then was dancing about really mentally while he was playing...
    All over the place... I got so bad they got a chair and duck taped me to it so I could not move with the orders no alcohol ..
    I was really really ill.... Also put in spare room but then drunkenly crawled into his room giggling and being a mare ... Woke parents up ....
    Breakfast was a bit awkward.
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  17. Another was drunk in Swindon at 3am ... Hammering on pub door because it said pub opened at 3 ..... We couldn't understand why the bloody pub was shut...,
    Angry landlord.

    Best drunken blag
    Again are small group of weirdos staggering along drunk came across a French Restaurant so we started pulling faces at the window ... ( 5 deranged punky sorts) ... The owner actually laughed and invited us in and cooked about 6 courses and alcohol for us .. For free :) :)
    Best ever drunken blag !
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  18. Worse thing I've done when drunk, called my ex wife's mother a c*nt, didn't go down well!
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  19. Is that why she is now your ex wife?
  20. The C word never goes down well it is the worst holy grail swear word you either never say or reserve for a once or twice in your lifetime that someone is the worst person in the universe to you and your hatred knows no bounds for ;) .. Oh yes I see your point mother in law !
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