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Worst things when drunk?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. I've thought of plenty. None of which I will ever tell on here :smile:
  2. c'mon El T!!... Bet you have loads!! Promise not to send them to the press!
  3. come on E.T. tell them one :upyeah:
    #63 Chris, Feb 9, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
  4. I have also thought/remembered plenty but I don't think their suitable for a family site like this, besides the Mrs may read them.
  5. well great thread really entertaining
    my 14 year old daughter read it and creased laughing
    have to admit my drunk stories are a bit tame lol most of my daft stuff was when i was sober :biggrin:
  6. Shit! Kids read this!! Better tame my language!...:tongue:
  7. i was only joking.
  8. No matter how pissed I get I always remain in full control - so no stories here sorry .
  9. Yeah, right.
  10. That's how I think at the time. Then someone kindly reminds me in the morning of my antics.
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  11. I was in complete control the night I nicked that dumper truck...
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  12. I pass out before I get to that stage , it's the truth Officer
  13. I now tend to fall asleep when drunk. don't get drunk very often now though :frown:
  14. I just get to a stage when everyone is getting on my tits and I just need my bed, usually these days about 10.30 pm
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  15. hah she has heard a lot worse believe me :biggrin:
  16. I pissed all over the mother in law's extensive Mills & Boon collection . They dried out in a couple of days but were slightly yellow.
  17. Whilst a young lad (17) in the RNZAF , all pissed ( shouldn't have been ) one guy flakes out on his bed so we tie a piece of string to the end of his dick ... and the other end to his big toe .... making sure the string is not long enough for him to stand up at all let alone in a hurry , we all got the uniform on and then woke him up in a panic telling him the DNCO had started inspection .........Yeah , that was real funny .1st when he leapt out of bed , and 2nd when he realised he'd been had and tried to give chase
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  18. LOL :))). That would have been my response too.
  19. Knocking out both by front top teeth at the work Christmas party in 2007. Face planting taking photos pissed and stumbled over planter box.

    Workers comp' :). Hello state of the art implants. Result ;-)
  20. Not if it is used in the context of commenting on our ex-Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Never was a word more appropriate.
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