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Wow, just wow

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by d8mok, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. Corrrrrr, she could ride my monster :cool:
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  2. Feck me I got my 1198 from them in Dec and had to deal with a normal nob ed salesman
    would have purchased a panagale for a go on that........

    although this is purely internet bravado as there is no way on this earth I could ever look at another woman (or man) when I have such a beautiful, sincere, honest ect etc already.

    Just in case
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  3. I called "dibs" ages ago..

    Im not sure my girlfriend would see it though

  4. Oh no I've just had a accident :tongue: she is BANG TIDY
  5. Thats better

  6. I now have this vision of a que of blokes with their noses pressed up at the glass dribbling down it ...... and a big sales turn over up there.

    " Miss , Miss I can't do my leather trousers up i'm stuck !!"

    Men are funny creatures .
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  7. Lmao me too what a mess 
  8. queing how very british:biggrin:.............................
  9. Least they should have some muc off or something to clean the window ...
  10. Men are weird creatures, but she is a very beautiful woman!
  11. Yep - she's gorgeous. Haven't been to Sheffield for a while, but I'm sure I could find an excuse! :smile:
  12. poor girls probily freeked out buy all you perves :biggrin:
  13. What and women arent..... ?????????? :eek:
  14. Slow down everyone, that's my wife you are talking about...........................
  15. Women are easily pleased :)
  16. Agree,a good 6 minutes job done......
  17. Thank god for that....there's hope for the rest of us then!
  18. Thing is, can she cook?
    • Like Like x 1
  19. You including having a cigarette after then too?
  20. Hey that's what take away's are for!
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