Wow where will it end?!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Sep 26, 2012.

  1. woOW your probably a flippin nice bloke Glips , hopefully the sort I could have a beer and a laugh with, and a racist joke taboot , because people ,dont be hypocritical , we all make jokes about race, colour, creed ,religion sexual preferences, fatness ,thinness anything-ness ,and I could sit and have a laugh with any of the aforementioned types .
    But Glips to say you'll put up with that shit from your staff for an easy life , mate you need to get a grip and tell your staff what the form is IMHO.

    Or am I just being a paddy decended, lanky, thick illiterate peace off white trash, honky, old git type myself.
  2. Vernacular for: make a mess of the job to be done; do it badly. A "balls up".
  3. When I was managing teams of staff and had to deal with recruitment, promotion and postings issues, my objective was to assemble a balanced team as far as possible. What works best IMHO is a good mixture of young/old, male/female, black/white, etc. Of course it is not always possible to achieve this, but one can try - within the objectives of getting the job done while being fair.
  4. its an impossible line to draw, do you not hire obese people or smokers / drinkers? personal prejudice will always play a part in these things.
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