Xbox One Or Ps4

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. I did, was one as I posted this ;)

    @bootsam if i wanted a PC I would have said 'which PC' :Banghead:

    If the One was backward compatible with 360 its job done, but its not, so have to buy new games anyway. Our Xbox's have been ok, just loud and a little glitchy (altho 2 were replaced under warranty and third chucked away for a 4th a few month ago, its my sons not the family one)
  2. @bradders :p

    My money would be on a PS4 then.
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  3. Yeah, I agree. Ps4, plus I think with Sony's music and film business u will see a bigger investment in the media side of it. Plus...... Gran turismo.. Okay so the AI is shit but what a game
  4. Whatever you go for don't bother with 'Watch Dogs'... My 9yo lad coerced me into wasting my GAME points on it last weekend... What a load of gash.... BTW I'm still on a 360... I've played my mates XB1 & the generation jump is nowhere near as big as the XB - XB 360 / PS2 - PS3...... Im with @bootsam on this, rather save my pennies towards upgrading the PC in the boys room.

    So... all in no help at all really
  5. My 'family' 360 finally gave up the ghost and after stripping it, then slinging it (literally) out of the window its gone ;)
  6. Yeah but.... I can turn my xbox on by saying "XBOX ON!!!!!" About 15 times
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. Xbox 360 emulation is in the works for the Xbox One | TechRadar

  8. I've got a 360 you can take off my hands super cheap if you want to come and get it. Bunch of games and controllers too
  9. I've had both consoles all the way through to recently now just xbox one my fifa ultimate team is very good as well
  10. I too can make wanking arm movements at my 360 so that it recognizes me... Technology gone mad if you ask me...
  11. The reason that the games haven't 'jumped' in quality yet is just because the developers are catching up. I think there is a lot of power in both consoles but cheap visual gains are getting harder to notice. it's all lighting effects and frame rate these days! whatever happened to 'stunt driver'
  12. Dont get me started... I showed my boys (9 & 10) footage of Spectrum / Commodore games the other day... They both laughed then gave me a look of sympathy normally reserved for the badly disabled.....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Which to go for depends on software - which games/services appeal to you most and which platform are they on.
  14. Sports, driving, shooting and killing.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. Fathers day came early, nice new PS4 to set up. Thanks Mrs B :D
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  16. There's nothing in it but Xbox has forza :). Gaming Pc's are for people who play world of warcraft dressed as wizards and elves ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. If your talking about driving games then it has to be PS Nothing touches Gran Turisimo
  18. Lol I can't really say much about them because I haven't played a gran turismo since PS2 and I used to really like them but forza 5 is amazing and the cars don't sound like hairdryers ;) and there adding a lot of content to the game as I don't think they got as much into as they would have liked before the release as they set themselves a real high standard on quality of anything that went into the game.
  19. i have an xbox one and i love it. but then i cant stand sony stuff. yes the ps4 is slightly better but i prefer the xb1. I have a £500 pc that plays everything at 60fps. boots up in about 9 seconds. even so i still play the xb1 more.

    no way on earth gran tourismo is better than forza 5. go for gran tourismo is you want to drive jap hatchbacks. get forza if you want to drive decent cars. (expecting snotty comments about that ;))
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  20. Well said fitz and I bet you get sick of dressing up as an orc to play on your pc ;)
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