So now I have it, and having played assassins creed on xbox 360, the black flag version tbh is disappointing as tye visuals are certainly jo better and the gam play/control terrible in comparison Now tp go buy MGP game and see how that is
If it's family fun you want then get a wiiU and some Mario games. We've got a wiiU, ps3 and ps4. The wiiu gets the most use, then the ps3, then the ps4. It's only really me that uses the ps4 due to the majority of our family stuff being ps3 and Wii based. I'm enjoying Destiny on the PS4 currently although it's starting to get boring. There's still a lack of decent games out for the ps4.
How old are your kids Gilps? This would be mainly for me - my girls (12, 14 and 40-something) may get the odd look-in ;-)
I gave my PS3 and steering wheel to my Dad last year so it wouldn't suck up any free time that I have! Gran Tourismo sells it for me overtime, I'd get a PS4 and a posh steering wheel and proper pedals, maybe even one of those ridiculous race seats to stick it all in haha.
Youngest is 2 so she's not interested, one aged 6 is nuts for anything Mario, oldest is 14 and he likes cod on the Wii and minecraft on the ps3. We use the wiiu for Netflix too as it's better resolution than the ps3. Not tried Netflix on the ps4 as we've got a roku in that room too.
I love my Xbox ONE, every time its updated (monthly) they add new features, it just gets better and better. I can't really comment on the PS4 or the WiiU as I've only had a brief go on them but the One is superb.
Went for the ps4 - my middle one has a gaming box in his room and most of the xbox one stuff comes out for the pc eventually plus the pc blows it away from sheer grunt. Weve already got a wiiu (had it for the last 2 years) and it still gets used a lot now by my youngest 2. To the point where ive got them new games for that for xmas as well. There aren't as many games for the wiiu but when they do bring them out they seem to have more longevity....this one is out at the end of this month and looks really good.... Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Review - IGN I had the ps4 hooked up at work and just to play a game initially it can take ages for it to sort itself out....not the end of the world but when you've got kids champing at the bit to play it could be an issue....little niggle but otherwise a good purchase....dec 26th the ps3 will be for sale....
PS4 vs Xbox One: which is better? | News | TechRadar - concludes PS4 is narrowly the better bet PS4, Xbox One or Wii U – which console should you buy? Part two | Technology | The Guardian - says it is all down to personal preferences (cop out!)
I have both. I tend to use the ps4 more. I like the controller and the Middle touch pad. I also like the ps4 menu. Ps4 feels a little more premium. Xbox one is great though too. I just tend to go for the ps4 when its in front of me. Graphics are pretty much the same.