As a life long user of TT I did buy a XT last year & tried to use it over a 7 day period, just didn’t work the way I expected it to, so returned it for refund whilst I was still able too
No worries, thanks for posting. Makes me feel better it still wobbles! I do like the XT although I wish the clock would still be viewable when in an inputted route as well as an arrival time etc.
Difficult to live with a completely new system after using something else for so long. Inevitably going to be a frustrating experience during the transition. Bought a 2nd hand TomTom many years ago for use in the car, mere curiosity. Almost threw it out if the window, the UI was bewildering illogical. I would up selling it on ebay after a couple of weeks. You didn't elaborate on what frustrated or didn't work for you with the Garmin?
Well here’s the strange thing. During most of my working life I would cover 15-40000 miles pa all over UK and ireland . GPS of choice Tom Tom. However now prefer Waze in car, even though the car has integral navigation I despise. But on bikes it’s always been Garmin , as my bike colleagues all had garmin and could send routes to each other for our group rides. I know it’s not logical.
Sorry the mount was already on the bike when a purchased my bike I just modified it slightly to fit the XT