1299 Xxx Superleggera

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by outintheopen, Jan 29, 2020.

  1. AIS-ecu he knows exactly what it weighs. He ,at have mentioned it. Be amazed if, without fuel, it weighed much more than 160kg, and wouldn’t be surprised if it was closer towards 150
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. With a stock wet weight of 166kg I would guess that you are right in it being closer to 150kg in track trim without fuel - mind blowing power to weight.

    Would love to see the a build thread on that!

    Those wheels aren’t stock - what are they? And that tank - love the shape - combined with the seat unit it looks like it would really improve on the whole issue with weight being pushed forward under hard braking.

    Definitely wouldn’t put that on a stillage to spain!
  3. Could be Marchesini M7RR/S
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  4. A quick google confirms you are right - seems they only did the M7RS for the Panigale - wonder if the original wheels were destroyed in the accident then?
  5. Listing gone.
  6. It weighs next to nothing, we were both @Anglesey recently and I was wondering which was heavier a feather duster or the 1299SL. I remember a forum member (My Camoalien) got his 1199SL down to about 150KG Track speck a few years ago with the help of MotoRapido.
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  7. You would need to start with something that has special internals like a 2016 1199R or 1299R to get close to this stuff, and it doesn't take much to have a big spend when shopping for exhausts, air boxes, forks, CF and titanium. I did a lot to my 1199 but doesn't come close to an SL unless you drag out the wallet. IMG_5641.jpg IMG_9087.jpg
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Agree totally - the very core of the bike is exotic there’s the carbon frames and swingarm - not to mention the engine components and details like the titanium spring on the shock.

    You can only get so far on a budget and then things ramp up dramatically as the only way to reduce weight is to replace major components with something lighter - which means exotic and very expensive!
  9. 150kg seems to be the ultimate limit - beyond that and you are in the realm of elves and dwarves- Mithril brake discs anyone? :joy:
  10. A friend of mine recently parted with his JHP track preped FE. I was very, very tempted. I resisted as I knew I'd get too precious over it!

    • Like Like x 5
  11. Probably the best ‘non special’ twin Ducati made. Probably the best overall twin. :upyeah:

    (By non special I mean non proper R or better) (Ps Gen 1 Pani R isnt a proper R ;) )
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Although I know why you did what you did there, I think the FE is very special. Andy
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