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Yay! 54p per day!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Yes, the deficit is too large. But the £125,000,000,000 figure can be put into perspective by noting the UK's GDP which is around £1.8 trillion per year (£1,800,000,000,000 per year). Or about £60,000 per second, if you prefer.

    Mentioning startlingly large figures with providing any scale of reference or comparison obscures more than it clarifies, in my view.
  2. £4000 or even £60,000 per second is a figure we can relate to. How many people really understand the scale of £125,000,000,000 and £1,800,000,000,000 ?

    And like cholesterol not all GDP is good GDP.
  3. still selling off the post office bits will sort it..........:rolleyes:
  4. Or they could save at least 21 billion by forgetting the HS2 rail link...
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  5. No but all the mothers would be set for life
  6. I moved to Gloucestershire when I was 25, and every bird I met while I was there was a young single parent. I came to the conclusion they got themselves pregnant just to get a council house. I still don't think I'm wrong to this day.
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  7. You are not wrong, fig.
  8. I think it is more complicated than that. It is also about self esteem, confidence and a whole range of other factors.

    Unfortunately it rarely solves those problems and creates the next problem generation. It is tragic really.
  9. Naturally, there is more to it but black and white is such an attractive colour scheme.
    In actual fact, I had a friend whose daughter got pregnant in her late teens, with no prospect whatsoever of finding a place of her own, in her parents' house which was already full to bursting. Cynically, I wondered whether she just went ahead and had a council-house baby but I think I was proved wrong - she is devoted to her son. He is not a simply a means to an end, he is her life.
    Nevertheless, when I wanted to move out of the house, I had to work for it, when i wanted to run a Ducati, I had to work for the money to keep it on the road ... in fact - whenever I want anything at all, I have to earn it.

    All I know is, when I wanted to move out into the world and get a place, getting pregnant was not one of my options. Just sayin'.

  10. if anyone could of managed the immaculate conception, it would of been you..........just saying!
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  11. I blame the lefties Loz, by wanting to make everyone equal (apart from themselves of course) they reward bad behaviour and remove the incentive to provide for oneself.

    Devotion is good, but it does take more than that. Good luck to them.
  12. Yup!... Sad to say that I am of the same view... Too many young girls simply get pregnant purely for the free ride off the back of the taxpayers. If they offered a room in a hostel rather than a flat / house, then maybe the figures would drop?
  13. Now confused, we seem to have lefties giving righties views here :eek:

  14. I'm neither for the left or the right. Both as bad as each other in my opinion... All retard fuck ups!
  15. Right and Left, as far as politics is concerned, are just ways to allow people to formulate opinions without having to think about what they actually mean. Where their principles are employed rigidly, they are symptoms of lazy and non-discerning thinking. Grey areas are hard to get your head around, so people ignore them.

    Left-hand bends, however, are my favourite. For some reason I am faster and more confident with them compared to right-handers. Left-handers are better.
  16. Same here. Do you think it would be the other way around if we were in the southern hemisphere ?
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  17. Ooh, same as me:upyeah:
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  18. Yes a lot do... Pisses me off..
    Because if your Middle Aged a long term relationship ends and you need housing the council won't help you!!!!!
    I was told no! And move back in with my ex and live upstairs by some council moron.
    Like that will work!

    3 local 17 year olds got knocked up down road fathers cleared off and they all have houses!!!!
    All immaculately decorated with new furniture :(
    Sit on their arses all day or walk round town buying and stuff smoking.
    Oh nail bar every week!!!!!

    Im like hang on .. I have no home .. No belongings apart from kids stuff an old car and a bag of clothes. 2 kids one registered disabled ?
    Your not able to house us or offer us advise ?
    Nope ..
    If I was 17 and got pregnant I'd be laughing
    Oh and Kurdish family's got houses and all brought big mercs now :(

    I also work 4 / 5 days a week.
    So I pay premium rent on a falling apart house in the best school catchment so I could get them into best high school.
    It's minging!! He wouldn't even sort the carpets out :( which are not even full carpets but bits stuck together and stained.

    I'm trying to paint through.
    I have random furniture but it has to do!

    If I was 17 and pregnant I'd be given a decorated house !! New carpets and a big wedge of cash to go buy furnishing all new :)
    And I could sit on my arse every day .
    Makes me mad ...
    If you've worked .. Been married or long term paid into the system .. Your stuffed.

    Marriage allowance I used to get !
    I can't recall which party abolished it?
    It's not even for all married people?
    I think it's antiquated in this day and age and £3.84 a week is not going to send people rushing down the isle !
    Being married is the Gold standard they say.
    Or a death sentence depending on who you marry :) :)
  19. If I'd have said to my ex husband take your £3.85 and enjoy and F off ... Hmm don't think it would persuaded him to F off .
    Took a few 00s to get shot of that one !
  20. Sorry cant resist now. What a load of shite. Anyone ever tried to live in a high rise, with 3 kids, regardless of if rent is being paid, have about £100 a week to do everything? Live in the real world, kids get pregnant because they are dim and uneducated and kids; not because they think they'll get a council house and a porsche on the drive.

    Seems the oh-so-hollier-than-thou independent readers have a Sunday mail in their inbox :rolleyes:
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