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Yet Another Belts Question

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by midlifecrisis, May 12, 2021.

  1. more controversy re: best method to undo. Only my opinion, but overall I would say undoing retaining screws for fixed and mobile tensioner housings is far from easy as a generalisation. The access is tricky, the passage of time can make them hard to budge but the icing on the cake is the use of shallow head allen screws* as standard because if you use anything but a quality, snug fitting** allen tool bit and you are not close to perpendicular on application (much easier for this to happen due to the shallow heads) then there is a good chance of slipping and damaging the *driving* surface area which was reduced in the first place!*. If this happens, or you come across std fixings that already have damaged heads (high chance of this**) then all is not lost necessarily.
    #21 Chris, May 25, 2021
    Last edited: May 25, 2021
  2. Oi, get your own cute neighbour who needs Ducati assistance!... I'm sure they are rare! ;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. Thanks for putting me right. I was nearly there, it was a long time ago.
  4. Thanks again for all the advice. I’ve got my smug face on this evening as I have successfully changed my belts. I bought a Teng Tools 1/2” drive Allen set and my T-bar undid the super-tight bolts with ease (and a loud ‘crack’). The belt change was straightforward apart from me not noticing until after I had tensioned the horizontal belt that I had somehow managed to put the old belt back on the vertical cylinder so had to start again. Doh!!
    I plan to re-check the tension in a week or two. The next job is new tyres as I’ve discovered that the current one, while still in almost unused condition, are 16 years old. I think better safe than sorry is the way to go with old tyres.
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